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How do you save the game on mobile?

Just sleep in the game  until u see a message at the righ

that makes sense, thanks


I did my things but store girls bar aint filling up completely its just tiny bit away. Please help


Just click the map and go to the park, and do the mini game on the swing. That's what the little blue line with the map-like pointers is for. You can take the date to a different place to finish it. I had the same thing happen. 👍

I Can't Use Joy Stick Is The Game Broken?



how do you get the girl from the store ?


I was kinda confused at first too, but ended up getting her without really trying. I believe you're supposed to do a good job when working at the store a few times before talking to her in the alley next to it. At least, that's what I did and she ended up giving me her number, I'm not 100% sure though. I just worked there a few times for the cash to buy the gifts for the other girls, so I'm thinking she has to, I guess, see you're good at working before going out with you. At least, that makes sense to me. Hope this helps at all. 👍

I just worked at the store 3 times and good 3000 pointa every time

(1 edit)

How do you get the shopkeeper girl pls?

I was kinda confused at first too, but ended up getting her without really trying. I believe you're supposed to do a good job when working at the store a few times before talking to her in the alley next to it. At least, that's what I did and she ended up giving me her number, I'm not 100% sure though. I just worked there a few times for the cash to buy the gifts for the other girls, so I'm thinking she has to, I guess, see you're good at working before going out with you. At least, that makes sense to me. Hope this helps at all. 👍


How do you get the gen store girl

I was kinda confused at first too, but ended up getting her without really trying. I believe you're supposed to do a good job when working at the store a few times before talking to her in the alley next to it. At least, that's what I did and she ended up giving me her number, I'm not 100% sure though. I just worked there a few times for the cash to buy the gifts for the other girls, so I'm thinking she has to, I guess, see you're good at working before going out with you. At least, that makes sense to me. Hope this helps at all. 👍


This game is legitimately one of the best "adult games", I guess, that I've downloaded. I'm kinda bummed out I can't support you on patreon, but if I could, or if I ever have the chance, I 100% would love to see this game grow into a fully-fledged game. Even WIP it's amazing. 

How to help the Radient ruby Cat girl?


You take the Ruby out of the trash can in the park, and wait until night, there will be a pink, sad looking, cat next to the big rock near the little button you use to hide or show the hedges. You give the cat the Ruby, she transforms and go from there. Hope this helps. 👍

hey quick question how to give a girl home?

I assume you're asking how to get them to your house? If so, you use the ID looking button at the top right of the screen. The list of partners will pop up, you select whichever you want and click "call", then instead of "date" you select "Come over" while at your house. You have to have at least 1 successful date before you can do anything with any of them, just in case you weren't aware. 

how can i complete a date, i mean like a "suuccessful date"?

It's pretty easy. All you do is, once you're on the date, (I think all of them but the "playful" one you take to the beach) You give them 3 gifts, at first you dont know what they like, so it's a bit of trial and error. But after the 3 gifts, the progress bar at the top will be close to full, if you're at the beach, take them to the beach towel on the right and click the action, you'll give them a massage by just holding on the part of the body they say, either hard or soft. The one you take to the arcade, you play the whack-a-mole game with her, of course after three gifts, the bar should fill up after that and you can end the date. Then go to call them again, but instead of actually calling them, there's a "Story" button to the top right of the UI that shows up. It'll show 0/1 next to the word Story, if you did the successful date, you click that and watch a cute cutscene, or you can skip it if you just wanna get to the sex. Sorry if i explained that more complicated than i needed to. 👍

thanks so much.

No problem! 👍

There is one activity per area and you also need to give them gifts.

the grass joke has me in tears lmao

Same haha

Did it really have to be in a zip file for Android? I can't open anything ending in ".zip" for some reason. I also can't find a trustworthy and easy-to-use zip file opener app that'll help with opening and installing game apps.

Could you maybe put everything into an .apk file instead?

It's up

Did you reset game data? because the game doesn't have my save now

On what platform you are using? (PC, Android, or Web) 

(1 edit)


Whenever I update the web version the data always resets.


I see, well it's fine it doesn't take that much time getting their stories completed anyways

Does 2$ patreon unlock the patreon exclusives ?

Yes, and I update the game there with new content almost every week.


I think i broke the cat

Would like saves in one of the upcoming updates

Yep. Stay tuned at the end of November.


Please bring the save and load system in the next update, it makes it difficult to do everything from the beginning and more sound effects should be added to the game, you don't have to force yourself, I'm sure you can handle it in future updates. <3<3

Will undressing sequences for the ladies will be included, even if it would look a bit weird with the art style? Just to know.

That wouldn't be hard to implement, but I'm not taking suggestions for now. 


How do I download the mobile version on mobile if it's a zip file instead of apk?

download winrar for your phone. 


I did because of another game it didn't work.

have you tried winzip?... theirs a ton of options for unzipping files.

nope and ima not downloaded excessive things just to play a game.

fair enough? unzipping a file is pretty simple...

educate yourself a little? :3


Where is the map?

There is a map icon to the left of the question mark icon in the upper right.

hehehe i see a set photo is based on a meme that made some runs about the internet. :P i can hear the phonk still

(1 edit)

mostly unrelated to the game but yesterday i was checking this game out and after i clicked run game, i experienced the most horrid lag spike imaginable, and i had to use task manager to close my browser. but ive opened it just now and it runs perfectly fine. im wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this? (on anything, not just this game)

i have been petting the cat for an hour

can you add sound and moan in the next update?.


i played when there was one room #bringbackgrayman


For some reason i cant give the girls a gift?

How to get to park? sorry I couldn't figure out how to get out of the house...:(


click the map

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

This game is simple but bussin as hell and animation is very smooth, loving it so far.

Although i do have a couple of suggestions, such as :

- The ability to change girlfriend outfit (or even her entire look like hair model and etc.)

- Maybe add something like a mini game to make money so player's can do things like buying girlfriend outfit and furniture as such (maybe even sex toy 🙃)

I understand that making game isn't easy, i do not wish nor is desperate for devs to actually ADD those suggestions above, nonetheless the game is great, KEEP IT UP 😁


Yep that is what the future of this game gonna be look like. Right now I'm still writing the code for the game while slowly adding content. Tough to be a solo dev but hey I enjoy making this game. 

Hi there seems to be a problem with the android  apk, it seems to not able to download it properly, is there a way around it to make it work?


very good! your game is amazing, keep it up, and bringing new updates.

Hello, I wanted to report a bug that is happening on his cell phone, it's a j2, the game screen is all buggy

Thanks for reporting! new update is tomorrow so I will try to fix this issue together with the update.

If i remember correctly, you used to make a similar game like this right?

Davvero nn male contando che è in progettazione

Dude, the game is working fine in the mobile version. This game looks really promising, I hope you continue. Animations are very good, especially with X-ray. Anyway, success with that, man


the button is kind of hard to click but not so bad game

Deleted post

what button should I press

Click the hearts.

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